It's not uncommon for 'white' people to ask me if they can be victims of reverse-racism from a Black person. Here are two infographic PDF resources (and a Padlet with excellent videos and reading materials) to help develop your racial literacy. But remember, understanding this and the ways in which society racialises you as 'white' (and what that means for the part you play in a racially-unjust system) takes much effort, reflection, discomfort and time. Disclaimer: I receive no revenue from this blog nor the resources I make, nor any of my anti-racism (though if a big corporation is interested I'd charge in partnership with a Global Majority partner and with a donation to a relevent community organisation). I am currently incredibly fortunate to be supported by my employer to complete a PhD in this area. These resources are one of the ways I try to give back some of what I am benefiting from. Infographic 1 - What is 'white', whiteness, and white suprema...
twitter: >>> @Cole_Therapy_Ed <<< True resistance begins with confronting pain and doing something to change it (bell hooks)