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Showing posts from January, 2025

White supremacy, the decline of community, and implications for social justice activism.

For the past half a millennia, many people racialised as white benefited from a system that, whilst preferencing them, may also have caused a decline in their sense of community.  Community is defined here as a group of people who live in a particular area who are considered as a unit of togetherness because of their shared interests or background. Sense of community is defined here as a caring, shared commitment to meet group members' needs; a friendly feeling that members belong in and matter to the group. Leaving aside the probability of a more direct reason for a decline in reported sense of community specifically amongst those white people who are overtly racist and xenophobic i.e. discomfort and fear from their observation, perception, or assumptions about growth in diverse ethnic demographics and increasing multiculturalism, and the rhetoric about white minoritisation and the demonisation of the non-white / 'un-citizens' they consume from Right-wing, racist media, a...